Q 1. How can access subscribed E-books / E-journals through Remote Access Facility?
Q 2. How can I contact to the University Librarian?
Q 3. Is It possible to access others digital resources through this portal?
Q 4. What is the DELNET?
Q 5. Can I get checked plagiarim level of my research articles / assignment / dissertation /thesis in the Central Library?
Q 6. How can I download e-Granthalaya Android App. for access digital learning resoures?
Q 7. Can I register myself for MOOC Courses through this portal?
Q 8. How can I access specially skill / vocational course contents?
Q 9. What is Web OPAC?
Q 10. How can I use Digital Repository and which types of learning resources are accessible?
Q 11. How can I access Central Library Digital Portal and which types of learning resoures are available?