पढ़ना कभी बंद न करें क्योंकि ज्ञान की कोई सीमा नहीं होती दूसरों से ज़्यादा ज्ञान ही आपको सफल बनाता है-डॉ ए पी जे अब्दुल कलाम     ||     थोड़े से अधिक प्रयास के अभाव में बहुत सारा अच्छा काम नष्ट हो जाता है-स्वामी विवेकानंद     ||     ईमानदारी और बुद्धिमानी के साथ किया हुआ काम कभी व्यर्थ नहीं जाता-हजारी प्रसाद द्विवेदी     ||     Library is a Heart of an Institution - Dr. S. Radhkrishnana -     ||    

About Us

Digital Library Rules/ Using Guidelines

Digital Library brings together all open access and subscribed e-resources in the form of e-books, e-journals, audio and video lectures, subject wise e-resources, e-newspapers, research articles databases, useful websites etc. in the field of Science and Technology, Social Science and Humanities at one place, so that students, research scholars and faculty members belong to the various disciplines of the University may make optimum use of them.

1. Digital Library resources are available 24 hours a day from wherever you are.
2. Online resources such as e-books, e-journals, e-databases, e-newspaper, audio-video lectures, animations, quiz, spoken tutorials etc. of different courses like Vocational, Technical, Management, Public Health, Food processing, Music etc. are made available by the Central Library for academic use only.
3. Both registered and non-registered members can access online resources at anyplace and any time through PC, laptop, smart phone and tab etc.
4. Available e- resources can read, browsed and material may be downloaded and printed as per their requirement.
5. Use of robots, spiders or intelligent agents to access, search and / or systematically downloaded from these resources is also prohibited.
6. DELNET database is password protected and accessible only registered users of SVSU. It has rich collection of e-books, e-journals, e-thesis, Subject databases etc. in full text format.
7. Library users can access online catalogue of books and others reading materials available in printed format in the Central Library for searching of all types of reading materials, know your transaction status of books, reservation of books, new arrival of publications, e-resources etc.
8. Library users can also access some others reputed digital libraries and learning resources developed by some reputed institution at national and international level through useful links section like National Digital Library of India, Govt. of India, World E-Book Library, Virtual Labs, National Science Digital Library etc.
9. Library users can read all reputed e-newspapers published in India and abroad.
10. Central Library has developed a Digital Repository for SVSU students/ faculty / staff for access and download previous year university question papers, syllabus, faculty notes, library membership form, book suggestion form etc. It is password protected and accessible only of registered members of SVSU users can receive login password and password from Central Library.